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Beeswax is a bee product secreted from the wax glands of the worker bee. It serves as a material for building comb and protecting against moisture. While in the wax glands located in the bee's stomach, it is in a liquid state. Upon exiting the wax tubes, upon contact with air, the wax hardens into white translucent plates. When building the comb, it is always white in color, which gradually turns to cream color, light yellow to dark yellow, but there is wax that is greenish or reddish in color. This depends on the natural food of the bees and especially the natural colors present in propolis and floral dust – pollen.

Pure beeswax has a pleasant specific aroma of honey, which is most noticeable when heated and melted. The pure beeswax is tasteless, with a crystalline structure that depends on temperature. Chemically, beeswax is a complex mixture involving over 300 different substances. It contains essential oils. It is characterized by great resistance to the environment, which is why it can preserve its properties unchanged for thousands of years.

Since ancient times, beeswax has been used for medical and cosmetic purposes. The results of scientific research in recent years in many countries have confirmed its medicinal properties. It has an antibiotic effect – it destroys microorganisms. It is used to treat inflammatory and allergic diseases of the respiratory tract. Beeswax possesses a wide spectrum of effects. It softens hard tissues of the skin, which becomes soft and smooth. It removes wrinkles on the face and aids in the revitalization process. All this determines the significant place of wax in cosmetics.

How is Beeswax Produced? 

Young worker bees are fed copious amounts of honey inside the hive, and their bodies digest the honey, using the nutrients to form wax which is secreted in thin scales from wax glands in their abdomens. The wax scales are gathered by other worker bees, who chew it to soften it, making it pliable enough to be formed into cell walls. Through this process, bee colonies create the comb in which they raise new bees, transform pollen into “bee bread,” and store honey.


Characteristics of Pure Beeswax


When beeswax is first created, it’s a soft, white, malleable substance. Once formed into cells, it becomes harder, in order to form stable cell walls. Over time, the presence of propolis, pollen, and honey in cells changes the color of beeswax. The longer wax is inside a hive, the darker it becomes, from white to pale gold to amber to brown. But, during the proper process of beeswax production on the end of the process the pure beeswax has a beautiful yellow color.

Pure beeswax fresh from the hive can smell like a subtle mix of honey, floral spices & resins, and the wood of the bee box and frames. Both the scent and color of beeswax can vary between seasons and hives due to the pollen, resins, nectar, and honey that the wax comes in contact with. Just like how the taste of honey can change depending on the pollen collected by the bees, the same effect happens to the beeswax.


Properties of Beeswax

Beeswax is a natural, organic substance that is malleable, chemically soluble, water-insoluble, edible, and flammable. As a malleable substance, it can be molded into different shapes to make a variety of useful and decorative things. Because of its malleability, it’s sometimes called “the world’s first plastic.”

As a soluble substance, it can be melted and mixed with other substances to create many different health & beauty, and home care products.

As an edible substance, beeswax can be eaten, and while not digestible, it can provide roughage and some beneficial chemicals to the human system.

As a flammable substance, beeswax can be used to make candles that burn cleaner and brighter than paraffin candles.


Benefits of Beeswax


Beeswax has a multitude of natural benefits, and although it is edible, beeswax is most commonly added to everyday personal care routines. A few advantages to using beeswax include:

Moisturizing Components: Beeswax locks in moisture and can help keep the skin firm and plump. The anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory properties soothe easily irritated skin, making it one of the best skincare ingredients for healing rosacea or eczema.

Ability to Protect from Irritants: Beeswax can also act as a layer of protection when applied to the skin. It can protect the skin from environmental irritants and extreme weather.

Promotion of Hair Growth: Beeswax not only moisturizes and soothes hair, but it can keep natural moisture from getting out of the hair. It also stimulates hair growth and reduces hair loss.

Pure Beeswax candles

Candles made from beeswax are much healthier and environmentally friendly than ordinary candles. When you light a regular candle, you pollute the air and inhale the chemicals in it, which can cause difficulties in liver function, leukemia, and neurological problems. The scent of artificial candles can damage the lungs, cause headaches, and trigger allergy symptoms. Beeswax candles purify the air in your home. They can improve mood, and increase energy levels, and health.

Beeswax Candles Purifies the Air

Beeswax Candles are believed to release negative ions into the air that purify by causing airborne particles such as dust, toxins, and even odors to fall to the ground via static electricity. This appears to be the reason why Asthma or Allergy sufferers find Beeswax Candles nonirritating. On the contrary, reports in the past have shown that paraffin candles are an ‘unrecognized source of exposure to indoor air pollution, including the known human carcinogens’.

Beeswax Candles Burns Cleaner

When burned properly (keeping the wick trimmed and away from drafty areas) beeswax candles burn clean with hardly any soot or black smoke emission. So your walls won’t stain black which can be very hard to remove! All organic compounds when burned will produce some soot due to incomplete combustion. Beeswax burns hotter than paraffin wax and therefore will have less soot.

Beeswax Candle Warm Glow

Beeswax Candles burn brighter with a beautiful warm glow. They emit a natural light of the same light spectrum as the sun. This helps create the perfect ambiance for dining or for a quiet moment of meditation, reading, or while you’re in the bath!

 Beeswax Candle is Pet-Friendly

Beeswax Candles don’t cause any harm to your pets! Many scented candles with synthetic fragrances irritate cats and dogs as they release toxins into the air which are inhaled by pets and humans! Small animals are more sensitive in general to these toxins.

You can order your beeswax here:

The Beeswax Co Pure Texas Beeswax 

EricX Light Beeswax Bars

Organic Beeswax

100% Natural Beeswax

Organic Beeswax Pellets